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Size Category: 2–10

Positions are determined by the percentage of people in a workplace participating in the challenge (having logged at least one journey).

Position Workplace Participation Journeys Distance CO2 saved Calories burned Money saved
1 Croft Parc Team 100% (2/2) 14 450 miles 83kg 2,146 £82.56
2 Sustrans 89% (8/9) 156 1,256 miles 156kg 44,997 £232.14
3 Bodmin & Callington Library 56% (5/9) 112 734 miles 71kg 35,884 £125.90
4 Active Scilly 33% (2/6) 132 197 miles 0kg 10,293 £0.50
5 Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd 25% (2/8) 49 667 miles 117kg 4,396 £149.93
6 Falmouth Library 17% (1/6) 28 45 miles 9kg 2,162 £11.00
7 Camelford Town Council 13% (1/8) 5 7 miles 1kg 737 £1.50
8 RCHT TINTAGEL WARD 10% (1/10) 31 61 miles 0kg 6,479 £0.00
8 King Surf 10% (1/10) 6 80 miles 7kg 1,982 £13.00
10 CSIA 0% (0/10) 0 0 miles 0kg 0 £0.00
10 Velo-liberte 0% (0/2) 0 0 miles 0kg 0 £0.00